Sorry, Old Blue Eyes, But It Was NOT a Very Good Year

January 12, 2011

A few of you recently made comments about my lack of updates.   The major reasons for that are:  Fibro fog, Fibro fatigue, and pain (caused by Fibromyalgia, herniated discs, pinched nerves, torn rotator cuff, etc.).  It’s a miracle I can hold a job and get meals on the table.  My online journal, or blog, or whatever you want to call it, is simply not a priority for me these days.

Anyway, I have the day off because of a snow storm, so I decided to devote some of it to a review of 2010.

January: Went to a welcome home dinner for a young man who was kicked out of the armed forces and sent home from Afghanistan after someone blew the whistle on him for being gay.

A furnace repairman might have saved our lives… He discovered that the hot water heater exhaust flue had been knocked off the flue vent.  It must have been off for quite some time because the flue gasses melted some of the pipe insulation. According to him, we were in danger of dying from carbon monoxide poisoning.

February: As I was going up to bed one night, I lost my balance and fell down a couple of stairs, twisting my right leg in the process, and landing heavily on it.  X-rays at the ER the next day revealed bone contusion and bruised muscles.  I just love adding more pain to my life.

In an unrelated incident – you know you’ve had too many MRIs when the technician recognizes you and greets you by saying, “Back for more?”

March: One of Leigh’s dear friends died during heart surgery.  Rest peacefully, Quicci.

Leigh had to have her cat, Simmy, put to sleep.  More heartbreak.

Daniel and I celebrated anniversary #5.

Developed an addiction to Chobani pomegranate Greek yogurt.

April: Had a “Scary headache” for the entire month.

May: Had the front porch painted, which turned out to be a very good thing because that’s pretty much where I spent my summer vacation…

June: Refinanced our mortgage to go from 6.25 interest rate down to 4.875.

July: Went to Seaside Heights.  Would have enjoyed it more if not for the god-awful heat. It should be against the law for temps to get that high (102).

My grandmother turned 99.

August: I was trapped at the chiropractor’s for two hours because of a devastating storm that passed through the area. Five cars in the parking lot were crushed under trees. One car belonged to my neighbor, and another to my cousin.  That storm was a sight to see!

The city damaged our driveway when they cut down the tree in front of our house.  They failed to respond to my letters, so a legal consultation will have to be the next step.

The front page of our local paper featured an article about a 17 year old girl I knew very well who was killed in a horrific accident the previous morning. In another section of the paper there was an obituary for a good friend of mine.  In three days, I lost two people I loved.  Rest peacefully Natia and Bob.

I turned 56.

While I was standing in the parking lot of a restaurant, a guy yelled, “Shorty, shorty!” When I turned around he asked, “Are you married?” I have to say that being called “shorty” made my day.

September: Adventures with ambien – Objects in photos seem to move just like they do in Harry Potter! Freaky, man.  I also discovered that I sometimes indulge in online shopping while under the influence of ambien. Definitely not a good thing.

Found out that the stabbing victim in a recent homicide was my father’s best friend.  Rest peacefully, Ron.

The results of my skin test revealed that I have perivascular dermatitis.  Because of the effing rash, my legs were so swollen I had elephant knees!

Reconnected with old friends (one of whom is Snooki’s mother).

Our community lost yet another young person who died much too soon. Rest peacefully, Zach.

October: One morning when Daniel was getting ready to drive me to work, we found a dead cat under the front tire. (No, it hadn’t been run over – it must have crawled there to die.) Not a good way to start the day.

This year’s Dress Up As A Literary Character costume – Esmeralda (from THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME by Victor Hugo)

Had a very enjoyable time at the Sheep &Wool Festival. Chatting with some llamas and alpacas (actually, they were humming) was the best part.

Four years…I miss you, Mark. Rest peacefully.

November: An old high school friend died after a long battle with cancer. Her brother (who was a very little boy at the time) gave me the only nickname I’ve ever had – “wild eyes.”  Rest peacefully, Beth.

A former student and friend of my daughters died unexpectedly. Rest peacefully, Peter.

I found out about a whopper of a lie that was spread about me 25 years ago… Apparently, I was a coke addict!  Diet coke, maybe, but certainly not the white powdery stuff.  Sheesh.  I guess there’s a statute of limitations on slander/defamation of character, huh… Oh well, at least I got a good laugh out of it!

Was stunned to learn that an old online friend took his own life. He was such a kind person and gentle soul, not to mention a brilliant mathematician and skating enthusiast. I’m really going to miss his nickname for me (Stephanova) and the praying mantis warnings (personal joke). Rest peacefully, Robby.

Spent over three hours at the ER – Leigh’s myoclonic seizures caused her to fall down the stairs AND on the driveway as we were guiding her to the car to take her to the hospital. They did NOTHING, and we finally announced that we were leaving (but not before I created a bit of a scene).  As Leigh pointed out, a Veterinary Clinic wouldn’t treat an ANIMAL that way. They wouldn’t just throw a cat or dog in a crate and let it seizure for three hours. Unbelievable!

Another ER visit  – for me, this time.  Diagnosis: mesenteric lymphadenitis – inflammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes. Causes pain that mimics acute appendicitis. I hope I never have to experience that kind of pain again.   That was the most agonizing experience of my life, and I’m no stranger to pain.

A former student (and Leigh’s childhood friend) celebrated the release of his first book. Congratulations, Daniel!

December: As usual, I hosted the Christmas festivities.

My former mother-in-law died on December 28th.  She had just been at my house for Christmas, and was in fine spirits, and seemed to be in good health. During the early hours of the 27th, she had a hemorrhagic stroke and had already suffered irreparable brain damage by the time she was found.   The all-day bedside vigil before she passed away was heart wrenching and draining. Rest peacefully, Marj.

All in all, it was a pretty shitty year with far too many deaths.  Which is another reason why I didn’t update.  So there you go.

Song of the Day: Bad Year by Sicko

15 Responses to “Sorry, Old Blue Eyes, But It Was NOT a Very Good Year”

  1. Carol said

    I hope this year will be a much better, healthier, and happy year for you.

  2. Bex said

    Thank you. Thank you. I know it must not have been fun to relive all those passings for you. Wow, that was incredible. I am so sorry your pain has not only not gone away but has multiplied. I have to say that mine has, as well, and now husband is getting some nerve pain. I guess we all do eventually. Maybe it’s living up here in this arctic climate that’s not conducive to wellness? I don’t know. Thank you again for all the trouble you took to spell out your year. I hope this one will bring you less “rest peacefully’s” to have to report!

  3. Stefani said

    Wow. I’m so sorry! Here’s to better times ahead in 2011, Stephanie.

  4. gbw said

    It must have been very hard to go back over all that. Good riddance 2010!
    I hope 2011 is a much better year {hug}

  5. kathy said

    I’m so grateful that you shared your year with us. Thanks you Stephanie!

  6. That’s more pain – both physical and emotional – than anyone should have to endure. Here’s hoping 2011 is much much better!

  7. LeAnn Skeen said

    “. . . Therefore, since the world has still
    Much good, but much less good than ill,
    And while the sun and moon endure
    Luck’s a chance, but trouble’s sure,. . .” from ‘Terence, this is Stupid Stuff’ by A.E. Housman.

    In this world we live in, we really need to treasure the good, because it really does come seldom compared to the bad. I’m sorry if I sound cynical but honestly, I think it makes me more optimistic to expect the worst because that way I’m not surprised by bad things when they happen. I do wish you a good 2011, Stephanie and I know you will experience joy this year.

  8. Sunshyn said

    Just… wow.

  9. Lorrie said

    Fibro pain, dying mom, no job (I did get state retirement on disability grounds)….yeah, you might say that I can understand what you are going through. I did not want to leave my job because keeping busy does help you keep the pain under control, and I liked it. Otoh I can’t deny that I am glad on the bad days..much love& hope for a better 2011.

  10. Jim said

    Fingers crossed for 2011. Hope you have a good one.

  11. LA said

    2010 was NOT kind. I do well in prime number years and hope it’s the same for all my beloveds. Mwah! ~LA

  12. Kim said

    Nice to see a post from you. I’m sorry it was such a crappy year. Something in the air in 2010, and I am glad to see it move on. Here’s to better times for us all!

  13. terri t said

    You lost so many dear ones in 2010. It seems like you were over “the limit” that should be allowed. I hope 2011 keeps all of those you love safe and sound and that YOU have a much better year as well.

  14. Wow, Sweetie. This must have been a difficult entry to write. What a horrendous year. I do so sincerely hope you find some relief from the pain you have to deal with and in every other way, have a MUCH better 2011! **hugs**

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