Birthday Bashes

January 24, 2008

So… Sunday night. We did go out, and we did party like rock stars. Seriously, it was a blast.

Although I was still feeling a little green around the gills, I was doing all right until Mo bought a round of Jaegermeister shots. Warning: Do not try this at home. Especially if you have a sour stomach.

You can read the recap over at LA’s place. Being out with LA, Mick and Mo was so much fun. There was a lot  of laughter. (The drunk dialing, in particular, was a hoot and a half.) Even though I was sick as a dog, I’m really glad I went.  A good time was had by all.

The next day, I felt like death warmed over. I had a fever, and stayed in bed all day, drifting in and out of sleep. My whole body hurt.

Tuesday we had another birthday to celebrate. This time, it was with The Ex. (Yes, we’re all friends, even though he can be a real ass at times.) He invited us over for dinner, and we had a nice evening. The only downside was that I got to bed an hour later than usual, which is rough on a work night, especially considering that I haven’t been feeling well.

I’m still not feeling up to par. Body aches and itchy eyeballs are the worst of it at present. Yesterday I began to experience cold symptoms, but they don’t seem so bad this morning. We’ll see how it goes as the day progresses.

I had discontinued the Monavie when my stomach started to bother me because I couldn’t stand the thought of drinking anything thick while I was so nauseated. My body must be craving it because I have an uncontrollable urge for some right now. I’m going to pour myself a glass and go get ready for work. Have a good day.

Song of the Day: Down With the Sickness  by Disturbed

12 Responses to “Birthday Bashes”

  1. Bex said

    You are burning your candle from both ends…hope you feel better. Partying over 50 is a whole different bird from partying when we’re young.

  2. LA said

    Hope that cold doesn’t catch you! Love, ~LA

  3. Carol said

    Glad you had fun. You are a true friend to go out not feeling well.

  4. Jeanette said

    Sounds like you had a good time. I love to party, and I love to drink and get comfortably buzzed. But the hangover seems to start before I even finish drinking. Not worth it anymore. Hope you’re feeling better.

  5. Pam L said

    You look pretty darn fabulous for someone so sick!
    How do you do that?

  6. Jim said

    Hey — wait a minute — Fifty IS young!

    (Hope you’re feeling better.)

  7. Sasha said

    I’m glad you had fun. Take care of yourself too!

  8. It did sound like a lot of fun…especially based on LA’s blog. You all look wonderful in the photo.
    Could you liquidify the Monavie with some water to drink it if it seems too much in its natural state?

  9. Diane said

    LA’s right those are some big hooters. But now you have me googling Monavie. What???

  10. Looks like fun was had by all! You know what they say … 50 is the new 30. But, if I partied today like I did at 30 … the morgue who get a new client. You look fabulous and get out there amongst them as long as you can.

  11. Joan said

    There are a whole buch of stomach and head bugs going around right now – everyone fells like crap! I hope you’ll be feeling better soon – by the way, you look great in the picture!

  12. LeAnn said

    Awe, I’m glad you had fun. Man, I could never keep up with you!!! lol!!

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